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New ways to request support Posted or Updated on 7 Aug 2024

We have listened to your concerns and comments regarding GP access; the surgery will be changing the way you contact us to request help from your GP.  The main aim of this work is to ensure equity of access to all patients and hopefully avoid the 8am rush.

This will be a step-by-step process throughout June and July, however from the 3rd June we will be introducing:

  • Voice Assist – submit PATCHs requests over the phone to shorten the wait times on the phones from 3rd June
  • Translation - multiple languages will be available on Patchs from 3rd June
  • Digital drop-in sessions - You will be invited to attend one of our sites for help downloading the NHS  App during June

More information will follow, but please also see the following links for more detail:

Telephone Assist for Patchs (DOCX, 285KB)

Patchs Telephone Assist summary (PDF, 299KB)

What is Patchs Translation (DOCX, 356KB)