Social Prescribing is a new service which supports people to access a range of non-clinical support and activities in your local area.
Social Prescribers/Well-being Co-ordinators can help you with social, emotional or practical needs and connecting you with appropriate services and agencies as necessary.
Your GP Surgery is part of a group of GP Practices and we have a caring, friendly and experienced team of Social Prescribers/Well-being Co-ordinators ready to help and support you.
Please speak to a Receptionist, Nurse or your GP to access our service.
- Anyone aged 16+ can access the service
- We offer an initial telephone appointment to assess your needs
- Signposting or referrals to various local services and agencies
- Follow up telephone support for up to maximum of 3 months
- Offer to join our Virtual Coffee Mornings
The holistic approach:
- Housing advice
- Money, debt and employment advice
- Social isolation
- Connecting to people or community groups
- Safety issues
- Emotional / Mental well-being
Coronavirus support: If the coronavirus pandemic has left you feeling anxious, lonely or has impacted your lifestyle, health and well-being, please ask to speak to a Social Prescriber.
Please note: we are not a counselling or crisis support service, however, we can refer or signpost you to the relevant services.
Linking Leeds
Linking Leeds is a city-wide social prescribing service for anyone aged 16+ and registered to a GP surgery in Leeds. We are currently offering telephone appointments to link you with services and activities within your community to improve and maintain your health and wellbeing. This includes:
- Housing Matters
- Money Management Skills
- Meaningful activities
- Social activities
- Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Coronavirus support: If the spread of the coronavirus has left you feeling isolated, worried or without essentials including food and utilities.
If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions, you can contact the practice via PATCHs here.